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Lifting a vessel out of the water for inspection or maintenance is a very expensive and is often unnecessary. Props, anodes, inlets, rudders etc can usually be inspected, cleaned or replaced underwater at a fraction of the cost. Abyss also offers specialist services such as Invasive Species Surveys by qualified Marine Biologists, a requirement to enter and leave some Australian Ports.
Underwater concreting is a critical concreting process performed for offshore construction. It involves the process of carefully placing fresh concrete underwater. As construction in water results in many difficulties, the start to end of an underwater construction requires special care, supervision and planning. For example, the construction of the foundation and piles to support the bridge crossing a river, or a dock construction.
The “Abyss Dive” is a versatile dive and work vessel which allows us to undertake dive projects, vibracore sampling, dredging, construction, cutting, welding, pipe and jetty maintenance, ships inspections and with an Exemption 40 certification plus 2C survey can operate anywhere in Australia. Additional features include certified lifting points for remote access deployment and a lifting “A” frame.