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The “Abyss Dive” is a versatile dive and work vessel which allows us to undertake dive projects, vibracore sampling, dredging, construction, cutting, welding, pipe and jetty maintenance, ships inspections and with an Exemption 40 certification plus 2C survey can operate anywhere in Australia. Additional features include certified lifting points for remote access deployment and a lifting “A” frame.
Vibracoring is a method used to extract samples of unconsolidated sediment cores. Vibracoring is a versatile sampling methodology and can work in various water depths, it is most often used in underwater or wetland locations e.g. in a shallow coastal area.
ROV surveys provide an economical means of inspecting underwater structures, pipes, tanks etc sometimes in areas that divers can’t access. Abyss often conducts a preliminary inspection of a proposed diving job site to ascertain required assets and equipment to do the work.